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One well-known challenge of GraphQL relative to REST is the "N+1 problem".

The N+1 problem is a performance issue that arises when a GraphQL server resolves a query that includes a list of items. Because GraphQL servers are written in terms of decoupled resolver functions, for each item in the list, the server may need to make a separate call to the database. The overhead of these multiple calls can slow down the server and make the server slow to respond.

In a traditional REST server, where the query shape is hard coded, it is possible to hand-write a query which fetches all the necessary data in a single request. While this degree of optimization is not possible in GraphQL (unless you tightly couple your database and your schema), there is a mitigation strategy that can be employed which is simple to employ and can solve the N+1 problem in a generalizable fashion: DataLoader.

Dataloader is a simple pattern for batching and caching data which originated inside of Facebook and was later shared with the community as a pattern with a reference implementaiton written in JavaScript (much like GraphQL itself).

The basic idea is that any time you want to fetch a single record from the database, instead of calling the database directly, you simply add the record's key to a queue. You then wait one turn of the event-loop. Then you batch up all the keys in the queue and fetch all the records at once. This way, you can fetch all the records you need in a single query, and you can avoid the N+1 problem.

type BatchLoader<K, V> = (keys: readonly K[]) => Promise<readonly V[]>;

class DataLoader<K, V> {
_batchLoadFn: BatchLoader<K, V>;
_queue: K[] = [];
constructor(batchLoadFn: BatchLoader<K, V>) {
this._batchLoadFn = batchLoadFn;
load(key: K): Promise<V> {
if (this._queue.length === 0) {
process.nextTick(() => this._dispatchQueue());
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this._queue.push({ key, resolve, reject });